Creating new vCloud Organization users with PowerCLI


There is not a New-CIUser cmdlet *yet*, but I’ll show you the way you can do it now!

We’ll need 3 things: A username, a password, and a role.

To get the role we want to assign the user, we’ll need to use Search-Cloud:

Search-Cloud -QueryType Role select Name

This will give us a list of roles. Pick a role name. As an example, I want to add an Org admin, so I am going to run this:

$role Search-Cloud -QueryType Role -Name “Organization Administrator” Get-CIView

The previous line queried for the role, retrieved the role object using Get-CIView and assigned it to the $role variable.

Congrats, that was the hardest part… on to the good stuff!

We need to do two things next… Get our Org object, and create a new user object:

$org Get-Org

$user New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.User

Now we assign the fun stuff to our user object (name, password, role)!

$user.Name =“JakeRobinson”

$user.Password “myPassword”

$user.Role $role.href

$user.IsEnabled $true

and finally, we push the user object to our Org:


So that’s it! Probably 10 lines of code and we have a new user. The secret is really in the .extensiondata of the objects like $org.

3 responses to “Creating new vCloud Organization users with PowerCLI

  • Tim P.

    Could you please maybe explain how did you find how to push the user object into the Org? Where is this method documented? A search for “createUser” in the Doc Center is not much help. An explanation on how to find the method and its syntax would be great. Thanks!

  • Tim P.

    I am still confused by this. I did go to the link above, I do see a “PUT /admin/user/{id}” at the bottom of the page. However i fail to see the link between this and how this was invoked in:
    To put it from a different perspective I am wondering how how would you research and get the methods and their syntax available in the ExtensionData of an object. Thanks for replying and any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Tim.

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